What Are You Chasing?

It's 6 am, still dark, and I’m at a hotel. I wake with a desire to write.

That’s something I haven't wanted to do in a long while.

I sit at the desk, look out the window, and see cars rushing on the highway. I wonder, "Where is everyone going?"

Then, it hits me: a more profound question. "Where are we all rushing to, and what are we missing as we do?"

Life's so busy, and we’ve been taught to embrace the hustle and accept the grind.

But where's it taking us?

We push ourselves to the brink, but for what?

I’m at a point in my life where I’m wondering, what are we chasing, and where is it taking us?

And more importantly, is it what our deepest inner self wants or what others say we should want?

Are we going after things that won’t truly make us happy?

I find myself in a place where I need to take a step back, notice what I’m chasing, and ask myself:

  • Why am I chasing this thing, person, achievement, goal, etc.? Where does the desire for that come from? Does it come from a place within me or an external source?

  • How do I feel when I’m chasing it? Am I in flow, is it challenging but exhilerating or challenging and completely exhausting and draining.

If you’re like me and find yourself in this place, ask yourself those questions and go where they lead you. I challenge all of us to consider what we have been chasing that our souls don’t care about. Can we let that go? Can we free ourselves from the “stuff” that doesn't bring us true contentment, joy and happiness.

Sending you peace and love, friends.

P.S. Did this content resonate with you? If so, grab this free Awaken Your Inner Joy guided journal experience, and let’s stay connected.


The Art of Not Taking a Picture: Lessons from a Florence Walk


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